• Meet with like-minded individuals that have a passion for Camaros
  • Share knowledge with other Camaro enthusiasts
  • Stay informed of the various car shows taking place across North America
  • Attend car shows as a club
  • Participate in club cruises, track days and other social events
  • Give back to the community through various charitable efforts
  • Opportunities to attend track days alongside other club members
  • Ability to use club discounts at participating sponsors


Originally established as the Ontario chapter of the International Camaro Club (ICC) in 1988, the Ontario Camaro Club has been the province’s premier Camaro enthusiast group for over 30 years. The OCC provides Camaro enthusiasts with an opportunity to make friends with other Camaro lovers and share that passion through a variety of events.

Once a year the OCC hosts the Ontario Camaro Nationals, Ontario’s largest Camaro only show. This special event allows the Camaro faithful from across the province, country, and even from the United States to gather for a weekend celebration of Camaros of all generations, types and styles. The event routinely draws over 200 Camaros and features a variety of classes where participants can win show and shine awards. On Saturday evening, the club hosts a banquet dinner (tickets must be purchased in advance) where attendees get the opportunity to hear a guest speaker and win prizes. If you would like to know more about this year’s Nationals and what we have planned please visit our Camaro Nationals page.

The OCC is a registered non-profit and we are proud to make a yearly donation to Diabetes Canada. This donation is made in memory of one of our founding members who suffered from the disease. We are also involved in CTV’s Toy Mountain program. Throughout the year our club displays at the various shows we attend feature Toy Mountain donation bins. We actively collect these toys wherever we go and then turn them over to the CTV team during the holidays so that children in need can enjoy the holidays.

In addition to the Ontario Camaro Nationals the OCC attends a variety of other events throughout the year as a club. You can find details of upcoming events on our events page or suggest a future event to the club’s executive through the contact us page. We attend a number of car shows across the province and on occasion, some of our members will book track days together.

Throughout most of the year the OCC leadership hosts monthly meetings at our partner dealerships. During these meetings the executive and members in attendance work together to plan future events. These meetings often coincide with cruises (weather permitting) and social outings such as lunches. If you would like to know when and where our next meeting is please check the events page or follow us on social media.

The OCC is a passionate group of Camaro fanatics from all walks of life. We are accepting of anyone who shares our passion for Camaros. Whether you’re a show n’ shine enthusiast who prides themselves on maintain the cleanest all original Camaro, the track rat who loves pushing your modified Camaro to the limit on your track of choice, or anything in-between, we have a membership card waiting for you.

Our fees are very inexpensive – only $30.00 CDN for the whole year which includes our newsletters and entry into our Members ONLY section of this website. Great fun for a low low price! JOIN TODAY! Its easy, just click on the button below, complete the registration, and receive all membership privileges.

Our Executive

Jason Ramsay

Randy Murray
Vice President & Membership Director

Marilyn Murray

Tania Ramsay

Mary Tuomisto
Sponsorship Director

Cindy Hunter
Event Director

James Ansell
Social Media Director