This class will be judged by our judges who will be evaluating the overall cleanliness and detailing of the car, along with the body fit & finish, condition of the interior, engine compartment, trunk, chassis, etc; on a 200 point scoring system. Please pick the class on the attached sheet which best suits your Camaro. All Indoor Camaros must be pre-registered. All Camaros in the Indoor Hall must arrive on Friday prior to 6 pm for Load-In, and ready for the show to begin on Saturday morning. Cars must stay in place until Load-Out on Saturday after the completion of the Awards Ceremony. Sorry, no exceptions.

    There is limited spacing for this class. Once the class is full no further Camaro’s will be accepted.


    A limited amount of space is reserved for this class in the Indoor Hall. We all fuss over our Camaros, but for those who want to display their beautiful cars, but are extra fussy about the weather, and dust, etc, this class might be a good option. The Indoor Hall is well lit, and concrete floors. Cars will remain in place from Friday afternoon until Saturday afternoon at awards. All Indoor Camaros must be pre-registered. All Camaros in the Indoor Hall must arrive on Friday prior to 6 pm for Load-In, and ready for the show to begin on Saturday morning. Cars must stay in place until Load-Out on Saturday after the completion of the Awards Ceremony. Sorry, no exceptions.

    There is limited spacing for this class. Once the class is full no further Camaro’s will be accepted.


    This class will be judged by our judges who will be evaluating the overall cleanliness and detailing of the car, along with the body fit & finish, condition of the interior, engine compartment, trunk, chassis, etc; on a 200 point scoring system. Please pick the class on the attached sheet which best suits your Camaro. All Judged Camaros must be pre-registered. There is limited spacing for this class. Once the class is full no further Camaro’s will be accepted. All outdoor judged Camaro’s must be in the designated judging area and be ready to be judged by 9 a.m. Saturday. NO EXCEPTIONS.


    For those who do not want to go through the rigors of a point system judging but still want to be eligible for awards this is the class for you. Judges will circulate the show field picking “top picks” and “best of”. Registration for this class is online pre-registration until May 25, 2025 or CASH ONLY day of show.